Our Professional Cleaning Services

We are a proud member of the Better Business Bureau and we have grown due to our client’s word of mouth, giving details about our performance to other clients.
+1 (704) 681-7020
Thank you!
We wouldn’t be here if clients like you! hadn’t given us a chance, let us tell you how all of this amazing journey started. We moved here from Northern Virginia in 2016. We as a family were looking for a better area to raise our sons and have a better quality of life.
Luis a Chef got right to work as soon as a good spot opened up , while he worked I got motivated to do something with my time and came up with a cleaning company. I had history in working in a cleaning company in Virginia for seven years and grew and came up the ranks in the industry and learned a lot and wanted to implement everything I had learned here. I got with my husband and decided to form our company, We started cleaning on his days off in order for our little dream to grow. It was a struggle at first but we invested time and money and slowly started growing we have created something we would never have dreamed of.
Thank you for giving us a chance to make your home Squeaky Clean.